Saturday, August 7, 2010

Oh So Tired!!!!

It's been another long week. I am tired. That seems to be how I feel all the time now. I am not quite used to that, but lately I am not getting enough sleep. My goal for this coming week is to try and get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. I am not sure how well that will work out for me. Jason will be traveling to Vermont for the week. I never sleep well when he is traveling. So, hopefully I can manage to get 8 hours of good sleep every night while he is away.

I did not have a stellar workout week this week. I did an upper body workout with Tye on Monday. I was experiencing a bit of hip pain so I begged off of having leg day on Monday. Turns out this was a smart plan for me. I admit last week I was not a good stretcher. I tore my legs up too. I saw Jeremy Monday afternoon and my legs are all out of sorts. I have tight adductors, abductors, hamstrings, and glutes!! Lucky me!! I am overcompensating due to injury and causing my right side to be out of whack. And I just totally screwed up the lower body by missing my massage for 3 weeks and by not stretching properly!!! All I can say is ouch!!!

And that is exactly what my hip has been saying since last Sunday. So, I am on a mandatory plan of stretching for at least 30 minutes every day. I took it easy Tuesday and did not engage the hip any more than necessary. I woke up Wednesday feeling really sick, so I cancelled my appointment with Tye. My hip was also not improved. And I did not do anything strenuous on Thursday to give my hip a rest. Friday morning, it was feeling a bit better. So, I went for a short walk with Chuck. And then I remembered Friday night that I can ice my hip when it is bothering me...duh!!! So, I have been stretching every day for at least 30 minutes since I saw Jeremy. I started icing it since last night. I really hope all this extra work is going to ease out the pain in those too tight muscles!!

This morning, I went out with Cathy and we walked the dam. I had hoped after walking a bit that my hip would warm up enough for some light jogging, but it seemed to be a little tender. So, we stuck to just walking. I am hoping this week that I can reincorporate some jogging back into the routine...and most definitely some cardio and strength training!!! We'll see!! I see Jeremy on Monday to find out if the extra stretching is helping. And to be honest, if it is not helping, I think I will go crazy!!!! I have not missed a day of stretching since he told me to, so my body better not tell him otherwise!

Other than just normal life, I am just really tired. I am heading to bed in just a bit. I need to get up early and get Jason packed in the morning and off to Vermont. Here's hoping for some good rest this week and maybe someone to entertain me while the hubby is away!!!

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