Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Digging Deeper...

Today is the last day of my break. Tomorrow, I jump back into a regular routine. It has been good to have a break from normalcy for a bit. But it is going to be really hard to try and get a normal routine going again! But it is a necessity.

I have set myself some goals for the next few months. And in order to achieve those goals, I have to kick my butt in gear. I have to work really hard to get to those goals. Part of the reason I set those goals was to force myself to work harder and dig deeper. It will be very interesting over the next few months to see how things progress. Since my hip surgery I have been a bit more timid about pushing myself. But I feel good and I feel like my hip is ready for a little more challenge now. Today I sat down and wrote out what I want to see as my workout plan each week. I planned out what body parts would be worked during strength training, what type of cardio and how much and when I would do yoga during the week. I am excited about trying this out and seeing results!!

Also, I recently ordered some books on clean eating. I eat fairly clean for the most part, so I am more excited to look into the specifics of this. But even more so, I am excited to try out some new recipes in the cookbooks I got. I think I am going to have a lot of fun trying out new recipes and seeing how this works in to my current plan! I think I am going to see some great results by trying this!

I am really excited to see how the changes that I am making are going to impact my current plan. Lately life has been so emotional for me. Two of my closest friends move away this month...one to basic training and one to Asheville, NC. It will be weird not having them close enough to reach out to, but I am excited for their opportunities. And then in a few weeks, my hubby, Jason, will begin traveling again for 15 months. He will be gone every week Sunday through Thursday. It's going to be hard but it means that I will be able to really focus on my goals without my cheerleaders. It means I will have to dig deeper to do this on my own for awhile. And I am really thankful that I will still have friends here to help me stay on track!

And with all this going on, I am planning on getting away myself for a bit. I want to get some quality time up in Virginia with my family soon. It has been way too long since I have had a long visit with them. And I am also planning on trying to get up to visit my friend Laura and her family. It has been awhile since they came here to visit and I would love to get a chance to head up there and visit with them for awhile.

So life is getting crazier and busier but I am hoping that I can get back to a regular schedule again. My break was good. It gave me some good quality time to spend with friends and family. But tomorrow, it is back to work again!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Taking A Break

So, I have been taking a small break from strength training since I overdid it a bit last week. After having lunch with Tripp, he agreed that if I stuck with my cardio routine and running schedules, then I could take a break from strength training for awhile. I find it incredibly difficult to change things up but right now, this is completely necessary. I have a lot of stress in my life right now. Some days, it is a bit overwhelming.

Life has just been crazy. Two of my best friends are moving away from here at the end of this month. I will miss them both terribly. And though I can go visit and check in with them, it's not the same as having them local. Also, I have been missing my Mom, Kathryn and the kids a lot. I have not been able to go visit them as often as I would've liked lately. I love spending time with them. I got to see them briefly last week for a quick visit. It was great to see them but it made me miss them even more. I am hoping to find some time in March to go visit. Also, work has been insane. I was helping out with freight and it has been much more stressful than I thought. So, I decided to take a couple of weeks off.

Next week, I will return to my strength training and back to work. With my next half marathon coming up soon, I definitely need to get back to a regular routine. I have set up some more goals for myself and all of those require me to have a regular routine to follow.

Anyways, I am glad to have had some time to rest and time to get my head on straight. I know that every once in awhile it is good to take a break from routine and recover. This also gives me some time to decide how to plan out my new routine and how to maximize it's benefits.