Now, I will admit that it had been having some issues and I kept telling myself that I needed to back up my documents and photos since I had not done that in about 6-8 months. However, life has been crazy and backing up my computer was always on the back burner. So, yesterday morning when my laptop died, I had hoped that it would have one last boot in it so that I could quickly back up my information and then take it to the Geek Squad. Alas, it did not have a last hurrah in it.
Jason had figured that it was a good possibility that it was the video card since it almost booted up and would post. (LOL, I almost sound like I know what that means!) However, when we took it to the Geek Squad, the agent (LOL) informed us that it was most likely the motherboard! Ugh!! My curse continues!!! I was concerned about a few documents and photos that had not been backed up and he said for the amazingly low price of $100, we could guarantee that my hard drive information would be backed up. Could I justify that expense for some photos and documents....No. I am just really hopeful that my hard drive is not effected. Jason says he thinks that the agent was simply trying to get an extra $100 out of me since my computer has a replacement plan on it! Personally, I am just hoping the hard drive does not get damaged/has not been damaged.
So, for now, I am using Jason's laptop which just recently returned from the Geek Squad after having a motherboard replaced. And NO, I did not kill his laptop's motherboard! Of course, he has about 2 weeks left before his warranty is up, so who knows what I can do in two weeks to a motherboard. Just kidding! Seriously, I am just trying to not break any other electronics!
It was also kind of humorous that yesterday, I called a friend and was in the midst of talking with him, my cell phone decided to reboot itself! Ugh!! Seriously! And why was it that my technology issues didn't effect any of the electronics at Staples! I guess I just was not that lucky! Oh well!
So, I am trying to be nice to all of my electronics right now so that they will be nice to me! I would've thrown my laptop yesterday if I thought my warranty would cover it. However, I restrained myself. Am I doing anything differently...NO. I have no idea how I blew that many motherboards. In fact, the whole reason Jason got me a laptop was he figured I couldn't kill that motherboard! LOL...I guess I proved him wrong :) But at least, in my epic failure with the motherboard, Jason was smart enough to get the replacement plan and my laptop was thoughtful enough to have issues before that plan expires!!
Hope you have pain-free technology day :) Oh and if you have been praying for me to have more patience, now would be a good time to stop! My patience has been so tested lately and I am seriously failing that test! So, give me a break and pray for me to have wisdom or something else :) Thanks!
Good news is (Crap Squad) has replaced my motherboard 2 times (that we know of) in the last month and all info was there when we got it back. Hopefully all that is wrong is the motherboard.