Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Update on the Wrist
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Rock & Roll Savannah Half Marathon
Originally, we had planned for this race to be a finisher for the season. Cathy and I were going to walk this one just for fun. Since we would be running Myrtle Beach a couple weeks before this, this would be for recovery and fun. Cathy was unable to make the trip but I was still expecting another friend, Deanna, whom I had met in Philly to make this race. Unfortunately, Deanna, was not able to make it either and I left Friday afternoon for Savannah with my dear friend, Ann, knowing I would be completely alone on race day.
It was crazy trying to get in to the expo to get my race packet. In fact, it was so insane, that all I did when I got in was get my race packet and t-shirt and get out of there as soon as possible. We grabbed dinner and checked in to the hotel. I knew I would have to get up early so I tried to get to sleep. I didn't manage much because I was afraid I wouldn't get up when the alarm went off at 3:40 a.m. It was the earliest I have ever had to be up for a race and I SO could have used a cup of coffee but my hotel did not have a coffee maker in the room and the one in the lobby looked questionable at best! So, I ate my breakfast, got dressed and headed out to the Savannah Mall where I could park for free and take the shuttle to the start line. I was on the first shuttle and we arrived a little bit after 5 to the starting line.
Of course, as is always the plan, I hit the port-a-potty. It was so early that there were no lines!! And then I just attempted to stay warm and keep from freezing my butt off...oddly enough that meant standing behind a line of port-a-potties that was blocking the wind! A few others huddled with me as we tried to stay warm and wait to get in our corrals.

It was to be Maria's first half marathon and her friends were concerned because she was going to be by herself after the race started. They wanted her to stay focused and encouraged her to just keep going no matter what. I started talking with Maria and the girls and when I found it was her first half marathon and she was going to be by herself, I told the girls that she would not be alone. She was going to be my race buddy for the day. I knew that I wanted to be with Maria for her first half marathon and help her achieve her goal. And your first half marathon is certainly not one to be alone.

Number Six & Done :) Oh yeah!! Goal Achieved!!!
Last year when I came up with this crazy idea, I had no idea how I would feel towards the end of this. I had no idea where this path would lead me. What I did know was that this was a goal that I could achieve. I had some naysayers along the way. I had some people tell me that I had some screws loose. And I had some amazing cheerleaders who supported and encouraged me along the way.
The funny thing is that none of these half marathons turned out like I expected they would. I thought I would beat my best time. That didn't happen. I thought I would improve my running form...maybe I did a little. I even thought I would learn to love running even more but towards the end, I just wanted to be done.
No half marathon is the same. Even if you are doing the same course that you have done a million times, the run is never exactly the same. Circumstances and conditions are never 100% alike.
Charleston was an interesting run. I went along with my good friend, Chuck, who was completing his first half marathon. He did amazing and I was so proud to be there with him. It was perhaps my fastest run this year but it was not without its quirks and frustrations along the way. I never look behind me, but it was the first time I have ever had a bus (one that picks up those who do not complete or are injured) pass me and make me feel like I was failing in my race and I was way ahead of my schedule! Talk about a mental game!
Then came, Columbia, the half marathon that almost defeated me. I started it with a stomach virus and made it half way through before I allowed the virus and seeing the finish line and knowing I had 7 more miles to go defeat me. My body gave out and my heart just could not continue on. It was a tough decision but I gave it everything I could before walking off.
Next was a fun race, the Palmetto Half Marathon...completely drenched in the rain storm that just didn't want to go away. Completing it with a broken pinky toe on one foot and a twisted ankle on the other...that was insane! Having my best running buddy, Cathy, come along with me was the best thing ever because with her I knew I could finish it. It took the sting of walking off the other half marathon out of the picture.
Then came, the Historic Half Marathon. No one can do a half marathon with Marines and not feel pleased and honored to be a part of it. And to have gotten to meet Drew Carey at the same time was just awesome!! It was a good race but there was a lot of pain in this race in my legs that made me wonder if I would finish it. But I ran that finish line. And my dear friend, Ann, was at the end with a bottle of water and snacks for me. It was a great finish. She also got me tons of pics of Drew Carey too :)
I took the summer off to regroup and mostly lifted weights all summer. I got in a few long distance runs and a few days of shorter runs but not much. I hate running when it is so hot! Mostly, I got in some walks and just hit the gym regularly with Tripp for strength training.
September brought Philadelphia. It was here I would meet my friend, Deanna. She was so amazing finishing this race with me with a broken foot and in a boot! That was so awesome!! I loved doing this race with her and hearing about her awesome work with training dogs. She is an amazing woman and she pushed me through that race!!
Back to Myrtle Beach for my surf board medal in October. By this point, I was tired and not very well trained. Having started my new job, time for running was lacking and so was my dedication to training. But I could not let that stop me. Cathy and Tripp were doing this one with me, so I had plans that I could do it with them and it would be a great finish. I thought Cathy was wanting to run it and try and beat her time so I did not want to hold her back, so we got separated early on. Tripp was unable to run due to an injury to his knee that even kept him from attempting to walk the entire thing. So, I was on my own. And I tried to stay to myself the entire race but by mile 10, my hip hurt and my head was failing me. So, I met Cindy who also was hurting and we helped each other make it to the finish!
But Savannah, race #6, stands out as the absolute best race this year and perhaps my best race out of all 10 half marathons I have completed. For the full story, read my next blog. But let's just say having met Maria in the corral, I knew that she and I were going to be together all the way to the finish line. I had no idea at the time how much I was going to need her to get to the finish. By trying to distract her, I was able to focus on the race for her and about helping her finish. It was not about me. It was about helping her to achieve her goal. And that by far made it the absolute best race ever! (Again for all the details read my race report!)
Will I ever do 6 half marathons in one year again?? I have no idea. What I do know is that I did it. I accomplished my goal. I stuck to my guns and made it work, no matter what. I didn't let lack of training or frustration or anything else keep me from finishing what I started. So, I proved once again that I am stubborn and hard headed and crazy, but I also proved to myself that I am worth it and that I have a lot more in me than I have ever imagined!!
What's next for me?? I don't know. Will I complete a FULL marathon? Perhaps someday. Will I ever let anyone else's doubts keep me from dreaming big and achieving my goals? Absolutely not!! I will keep on dreaming! I will keep on hoping. I will keep on moving! I will keep on running!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Myrtle Beach Mini Marathon 10-23-2011
Thought I would give you all a recap of the Myrtle Beach Mini. I really like this race because it's nice and flat. I had a crazy couple of weeks before the race with lots of stress and not much time to train, so I was kind of nervous about how all that was going to impact me on race day. And I was a bit nervous about what all of that would do to my body since I went into shock a day after the last race and it took me longer to recover. So, the week before the race, I was hitting electrolytes and potassium pretty hard to see if I could prevent the horrible muscle cramping in my legs. And I was mentally preparing myself as well because losing a couple weeks of training is never a part of the recipe for success.
I didn't get much sleep the night before the race thanks to the bad positioning of our room and a wedding party that was liquored up and partying in the stairwell. It was unnerving to get so little sleep before the race, but I sucked it up and got myself together in the morning. Cathy and I made sure we had late checkouts and then went to get Tripp (my trainer) who was our chauffeur/photographer/cheerleader :) It was quite chilly out Sunday morning. We were all bundled up pretty well since we knew Tripp could take our extra jackets with him.
Of course, we did the correct protocol...hit the port-a-potties first :) After that, we did a couple pictures and I got in some light stretching. My hip was aching...not sure if it was the weather or what was going on. They did their pre-race jousting with the people from Medieval Times and then it was time to start. I was still very sore between the hip and the wrist feeling the cold, I was not sure how this race was going to do me.
I started out pretty well. The first few miles were pretty smooth and uneventful. I was keeping a very steady pace. I resisted the urge to make a friend or even talk to anyone for the first ten miles. By mile 10, I just hurt...everywhere. My hip was starting to drag and my pace was slowing. At this point, I ended up walking for a while with another woman who was having some hip issues. So, we stuck it out together for the last 3 miles. I didn't want my pace to slow but by this point the bottoms of my feet were SO sore too! When the finish line was finally in sight, I was so relieved and so happy and so ready to be done with this race. Luckily, I was able to pull the last of my strength and energy together and make a very slow run to the finish line.
When I got to the very end, I knew I didn't want to stop because it was just going to hurt but I also wanted to just lay down. I got my medal, my water and bagels and headed back to the car with Cathy, Tripp, and Jason. I was happy to get back to the hotel and get showered up because everything hurt. The ride back to Columbia was a bit uncomfortable because my legs started cramping in the car. (Which is way better than during the race!)
Recovery has gone pretty smoothly. I have not overdone it this week. I got my electrolytes and potassium balanced on Sunday afternoon. Most of the lactic acid has worked its way out of my system. Mostly, I am just tired.
And here's my update on the wrist...I saw Dr. Ekman last week and he actually asked me if dwarfism ran in my family, followed by "clearly, you are not a dwarf." LOL...no dwarfs in my family, but apparently the bones in my wrist are moving in a degenerative pattern similar to what happens in dwarfs. And he mentioned multiple times how abnormal my wrist is. Then, he sprung the bad news...if we don't go in and fix the issues he is currently seeing, then I won't be using my wrist much by the time I am 60. So, I am scheduled for an MRI tomorrow and then meeting with Ekman next Monday to review what else he finds and likely scheduling surgery.
Other than that, I am looking forward to Savannah on November 5th! My last half marathon for the year and then I am scheduling a break from races until March. I plan to do the NC Half Marathon in Charlotte in March and the Divas Half Marathon in Myrtle Beach in May. Other than that, I have not made any other plans. And Savannah is my 10th half marathon....hard to believe, but true!! And it will be 6 half marathons total for the year.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Philadelphia Half Marathon 9-18-2011
So, before I give you my race report, I will give you an update on life for me lately. It's been an interesting year. It's hard to believe that I only have 2 more half marathons to complete before I can stick my tongue out at the naysayers who said I was crazy for doing 6 in one year. Yeah, I won't lie, it is part of my motivation :) As usual before I do any race, I somehow manage to injure myself or have some kind of crazy issue...I think that is normal for me. So, right now, I am under the care of the orthopedic surgeon again....Dr. Ekman is taking care of my left wrist. It has been bothering me for about 5-6 weeks and I was finally able to get in to see him yesterday. He believes that it has been injured in the past, though I am unaware of any injuries and so is my mother. In addition to it being completely abnormal (so were my hips! LOL!), arthritis has set in and made lifting and little tasks like opening bottles, driving, etc. painful. So, I am now in a wrist support brace for the next 30 days to try and get it back to normal and I am on anti-inflammatories!! I had gone to see a chiropractor that I could get in to see earlier than Dr. Ekman and found out that they couldn't do anything for my wrist but my back and neck are way out of alignment. So, now I am on the chiropractic route and in a wait and see pattern about the wrist.
So, that is what's going on with me prior to flying out to Philly on Friday. We got into Philly and were able to get our rental car and get to the Expo. And I shopped...found lots of fun stuff...like the perfect shirt for me that says "I Run So I Don't Kill People" and it has the chalk outline. Yeah, I couldn't resist :) The expo was fun. We headed to what Food Network says is the best place for philly cheesesteaks only to find out that no one agrees who makes the best. It was a pretty fabulous philly though! The day before race day, poor hubby forgot that a walking tour would be a bad plan and walked me to death which agitated my hip and legs and back. So, on race morning after standing in the forever long port-a-potty line (and I forgot to stuff my bra! Bad morning). I headed over to join in my corral.
I started off with a pretty good run pace. And then I spotted my kindred spirit. Deanna is a runner who also does the run/walk program and she was injured. She was doing this half marathon with a broken foot. She was only 6 weeks out from the break and was determined to finish. Luckily, she did not require surgery. So, I made Deanna my best friend and decided to do the smart thing and stick with her as she walked it since she was doing about the pace that I wanted at that point. I figured that my neck and back would be helped greatly if I took it a bit easier this early in to therapy. Deanna was a rockstar...we talked the entire time distracting each other from any possible pain. And yes, we finished and finished strong. I had fun. And I remembered my dear friend and ironman, Taz, telling me that I needed to stop pressuring myself and have fun. I never even thought about the time for a second. It was great. Beautiful course. It ended near the steps to the Philadelphia Museum of Art where Rocky ran the steps :)
All in all it was a great race. My post race recovery though was not up to standard. I did not factor in a recovery day, so we rushed back to the hotel, got me a shower and packed up and then had lunch and headed to the airport. We managed to fly out standby and got back in earlier than expected. I did not get much sleep Sunday night due to a neighbor whose car decided to have the alarm go off for 4 hours...yes, 4 hours. It was insane and kept me up most of the night. Then, I had to get up early and head out to see Dr. Ekman and then off to the chiropractor. Stop for a quick lunch where I forgot to eat a sufficient amount of carbs and then off to work for 6 hours. Work was fun...I have half marathon brain :) Then I headed to grab dinner quickly and got a post race massage. When I got off the massage table, my body started shaking uncontrollably. I went in to shock. I was able to get the shaking to stop and then headed home where my hubby and my friend helped me in. I got a shower, warmed up and my body began the uncontrollable shaking. I was also fighting a headache all day that wouldn't go away. After trying to go to sleep, I gave up and decided since I was now unbelievably hot to check my temperature and had a nice temp of 101.9. The fever finally broke around 2:30. And of course, after very little sleep, I was up early to get in to work today. It's going to be a really fun week of recovery!! I fully intend to listen to my body and go to bed when I get off work tonight...promise.
But next week, I am gearing up for Myrtle Beach in October. Then a nice recovery run in Savannah. Clearly even though I thought my body could handle what I was putting it through, it let me know otherwise which means I will plan for a much easier day after the race to recover better and much more sleep.
I loved the course in Philly and could absolutely see myself doing it again :)
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Time Keeps on Ticking...
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
A Few of My Favorite Things :)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Because I Can....

Saturday, June 18, 2011
Soreness and Motivation

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Do It Anyway....
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
3.5 Half Marathons Down = New Flowers for Tat

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon...May 15, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Palmetto Half Marathon Race Report :)
Why is it that every race seems to include some type of injury for me beforehand or during that I have to overcome?? LOL...The Palmetto Half Marathon is no different than the others! On Thursday, I was getting something out of my pantry and had a Tupperware container of coffee filters fall from the top shelf onto my pinky toe on my left foot...and well, there we have a broken pinky. And because I couldn't be done with just one injury for this race, I managed to twist my right ankle, falling and scraping my shin and bruising the middle toe on my right foot as well. Yeah, it was all painful! But I had a race to run and couldn't let a few minor details keep me from it.
In addition to my injuries, my training prior to the race was extremely sporadic and sometimes non-existent. After the Did Not Finish during the Columbia Half, I was having a really rough time staying motivated and fighting the inner voice that kept telling me that walking off a course is going to be easier the second time than it was the first time. So, I was quite nervous and spazzing out. The only saving grace for me was that Cathy agreed to run the race with me at my pace. I felt pretty good that I could make it to the finish line with Cathy spurring me on!
I did contact my favorite trainer, Tripp, and let him know that I was having a difficult time pre-race and needed one of his pep talks. So, I got an awesome pep talk the night before the race from Tripp. He told me a lot of things that I needed to hear. He reminded me that the important thing to remember was to have fun and to finish. He said even if it took me 6 hours to finish that I had to stick with it and complete my race. I was so thankful that he took the time to encourage me and help me out before the race!
On race morning, I was doing pretty well. Other than being a bit tired and needing some caffeine, I was ready. Cathy and I searched for Ricky. We wanted to see Taz!!! I knew he was planning on running the half and we had really hoped to catch him before the race started. It was like playing a game of Where's Waldo! We were calling out for Ricky and searching the crowds. And then, Cathy spotted him!! It was great to see both Ricky and Kathy! We chatted for a few minutes before the start of the race.
Before the race began we were informed that if racing conditions became unsafe during the race that we were on our own and should get to somewhere safe! LOL...apparently there was no way for them to pick up the runners if the race was canceled because weather conditions became worse. At least we were prepared with ponchos in case it rained!
The race started pretty well. It was a bit chilly but not bad once we started moving and the rain seemed to be holding off. I jogged for awhile until my toe began to ache a little bit and I was worrying a little about making sure the hip was warmed up well before pushing it too hard. So, I decided to do some walking and I jogged when I was able to without pain. I kept reminding myself that this race was for fun. I was not concerned about my time. I was concerned about finishing my race. I was so thankful that Cathy was with me because I know there were a couple times early in the race that I thought I was certainly insane for doing this!
Around about mile 4, we picked up a new buddy, Ron. (That's right, even though I had a partner already for the race, I found another friend who was doing his first race and his buddies left him behind! That is apparently my normal race thing!) So, we befriended Ron and continued to encourage him and help him along the way. We had lots of laughs and jokes along the way. We especially enjoyed when the first downpour began, Cathy managed to get into her poncho with a bit of difficulty. However, I opted against it since I was already wet. Shortly after Cathy got her poncho on, the rain stopped and then she was jogging in her poncho and told us it was a bit warm! When she finally took it off, Ron and I were convinced it would start pouring again. And it did :) LOL
It was not the easiest of races. However, we persevered. We were wet, sore, and had sausage fingers, but we kept going! We sent Cathy ahead of us a little before mile 12 because she had a goal of finishing the race before the girl who was ahead of us most of the race (and she did!!!) Mile 12 seemed to be the longest mile ever. I didn't think it was going to ever end. It was a bit of torture because my feet and legs and hips were hurting and there was a short period of a torrential downpour on us. I just wanted to be done. I was tired, soaked and in desperate need of caffeine :) But then the finish line was finally in sight. And we made it. We finished the race and we had fun!!!
I did find this race to be a very well organized race. There were lots of volunteers and the course was marked very well. There was also a good amount of water/gatorade stations with fruit as well. I was very favorably impressed with the set up. I even liked the race shirt :) The course was a bit hilly but overall I felt it was a good course and I would consider running the race again.
So, now I am at home. I had a good post race massage that has helped to ease up the lactic acid in my muscles. And I am chilling with Advil in my system, an ice pack on my pinky toe and drinking lots of water. Tomorrow I know I will be sore but today I am happy. I finished my race and I survived! Ultimately, it was a great day. After some recovery, I will hit the floor running again to get ready for the race in May :)