Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Just because you've always done it, doesn't mean you must continue. Just because you've never done it, doesn't mean you cannot start now. (Ralph Marston)

I love this quote. It is so true. I find often that we sit back and wait for things that we want to happen to finally come true. I was that way with weight loss for the longest time. I wanted to be fit. I wanted to lose weight. I would put in a half-hearted effort and expect to see results. So, I would continue on and believe that the reason I couldn't lose weight was because nothing worked for me. The truth is that even when I was putting in more than a half-hearted effort, I was not committed fully to the endeavor. What I was attempting was really more of a short-term fix instead of a long-term change. Until the journey became about my life and about changing my life, nothing changed. Until I finally challenged myself to be all that I wanted to be, I was never going to get there.

How often do we look at the challenges ahead of us and become so overwhelmed by the task that we quit before attempting it? How many times do we think about things that sound interesting or fun and decide that we cannot do these things because we've never done them before?

This journey I am on has been a long one and many ask me if my journey is over. And honestly, it's not. I am still actively working on my weight loss and I am still working towards new fitness goals. I tell people that my journey evolves with me because I am not the same person I was when I started. Along the way, my goals and thoughts change. When I started this, I had no idea and certainly no desire to run, much less start competing in half marathons. I would've laughed at you for suggesting it back then. Now, it's a part of my life. It's a challenge that I continually put out in front of myself. Was it a bit ambitious to challenge myself to do 6 half marathons in one year? Perhaps. Or perhaps it was about challenging myself to think outside of the box, to reach for greater things than I could've expected, or even to see myself in a different light? Whatever the underlying reason might have been, the reality is that I have been challenged this year by the first three half marathons.

My friend that I met at the Marine Corps Historic Half this past weekend had run several marathons and half marathons and made the very correct statement that no matter how many races you run of the same distance or even on the same course, each race presents new and different challenges. It's very true. I have competed in several races multiple years and no race is quite the same. Sometimes it's little things...changes in training, mental preparedness, race strategies, unexpected injuries...whatever it is, there is challenge there.

The truth is that I do love a challenge. I like to constantly better myself and look for opportunities to move beyond my capabilities. I strive to increase my fitness level. I want to be a better runner. I am challenging myself to take my running to the next level. And though sometimes I am not quite up to the challenge I present myself, other times I exceed my own expectations for it.

Right now, I am realizing that just because I can complete a half marathon without proper training, does not mean I should. Also, I know that if I am truly to exceed my own expectations and to reach my goals, then I must better prepare myself. It's one of the reasons that I am truly excited about the work that Tripp and I are doing together. Our training is working. We've been working together for two weeks and not only have I seen greater increase in strength, endurance and stamina, but I have also seen weight loss. I feel like I am getting back on track and on my way back towards my fitness goals. I sincerely desire to be a better runner. Part of that requires weight loss because running will be easier and require less effort with less body weight. And the other part requires more dedication to proper eating and strength training which enables my body to better face the challenges that running presents. So, now I continue on with the work that Tripp and I have been focusing on and I start putting more emphasis into my running form and skills. I expect to see much improvement in my racing in the fall if I put more time and dedication into this endeavor.

And when I reach those goals, there will be something new and exciting to follow. I am not ready to settle down and I am certainly not ready to give up!

Life is challenging and it's unexpected at times. But without challenges, can there truly be change? If we continue to live as we always have, can we possibly grow or become better than we are? Are there areas in your life that you need to challenge? Look at your life and see where you have grown complacent or overly comfortable. Step out of that comfort zone and reach towards something greater. A life well-lived is a life that is full of trial and error, successes and failures, but in the end, that life is actually lived instead of endured.

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