Some said it couldn't be done last year after having surgery to repair the labrum in my hip. There is no way I could complete 6 half marathons in one year and furthermore, I would be insane to even attempt it. Insane, yes. Goal achieved...100%!!!
Last year when I came up with this crazy idea, I had no idea how I would feel towards the end of this. I had no idea where this path would lead me. What I did know was that this was a goal that I could achieve. I had some naysayers along the way. I had some people tell me that I had some screws loose. And I had some amazing cheerleaders who supported and encouraged me along the way.
The funny thing is that none of these half marathons turned out like I expected they would. I thought I would beat my best time. That didn't happen. I thought I would improve my running form...maybe I did a little. I even thought I would learn to love running even more but towards the end, I just wanted to be done.
No half marathon is the same. Even if you are doing the same course that you have done a million times, the run is never exactly the same. Circumstances and conditions are never 100% alike.
Charleston was an interesting run. I went along with my good friend, Chuck, who was completing his first half marathon. He did amazing and I was so proud to be there with him. It was perhaps my fastest run this year but it was not without its quirks and frustrations along the way. I never look behind me, but it was the first time I have ever had a bus (one that picks up those who do not complete or are injured) pass me and make me feel like I was failing in my race and I was way ahead of my schedule! Talk about a mental game!
Then came, Columbia, the half marathon that almost defeated me. I started it with a stomach virus and made it half way through before I allowed the virus and seeing the finish line and knowing I had 7 more miles to go defeat me. My body gave out and my heart just could not continue on. It was a tough decision but I gave it everything I could before walking off.
Next was a fun race, the Palmetto Half Marathon...completely drenched in the rain storm that just didn't want to go away. Completing it with a broken pinky toe on one foot and a twisted ankle on the other...that was insane! Having my best running buddy, Cathy, come along with me was the best thing ever because with her I knew I could finish it. It took the sting of walking off the other half marathon out of the picture.
Then came, the Historic Half Marathon. No one can do a half marathon with Marines and not feel pleased and honored to be a part of it. And to have gotten to meet Drew Carey at the same time was just awesome!! It was a good race but there was a lot of pain in this race in my legs that made me wonder if I would finish it. But I ran that finish line. And my dear friend, Ann, was at the end with a bottle of water and snacks for me. It was a great finish. She also got me tons of pics of Drew Carey too :)
I took the summer off to regroup and mostly lifted weights all summer. I got in a few long distance runs and a few days of shorter runs but not much. I hate running when it is so hot! Mostly, I got in some walks and just hit the gym regularly with Tripp for strength training.
September brought Philadelphia. It was here I would meet my friend, Deanna. She was so amazing finishing this race with me with a broken foot and in a boot! That was so awesome!! I loved doing this race with her and hearing about her awesome work with training dogs. She is an amazing woman and she pushed me through that race!!
Back to Myrtle Beach for my surf board medal in October. By this point, I was tired and not very well trained. Having started my new job, time for running was lacking and so was my dedication to training. But I could not let that stop me. Cathy and Tripp were doing this one with me, so I had plans that I could do it with them and it would be a great finish. I thought Cathy was wanting to run it and try and beat her time so I did not want to hold her back, so we got separated early on. Tripp was unable to run due to an injury to his knee that even kept him from attempting to walk the entire thing. So, I was on my own. And I tried to stay to myself the entire race but by mile 10, my hip hurt and my head was failing me. So, I met Cindy who also was hurting and we helped each other make it to the finish!
But Savannah, race #6, stands out as the absolute best race this year and perhaps my best race out of all 10 half marathons I have completed. For the full story, read my next blog. But let's just say having met Maria in the corral, I knew that she and I were going to be together all the way to the finish line. I had no idea at the time how much I was going to need her to get to the finish. By trying to distract her, I was able to focus on the race for her and about helping her finish. It was not about me. It was about helping her to achieve her goal. And that by far made it the absolute best race ever! (Again for all the details read my race report!)
Will I ever do 6 half marathons in one year again?? I have no idea. What I do know is that I did it. I accomplished my goal. I stuck to my guns and made it work, no matter what. I didn't let lack of training or frustration or anything else keep me from finishing what I started. So, I proved once again that I am stubborn and hard headed and crazy, but I also proved to myself that I am worth it and that I have a lot more in me than I have ever imagined!!
What's next for me?? I don't know. Will I complete a FULL marathon? Perhaps someday. Will I ever let anyone else's doubts keep me from dreaming big and achieving my goals? Absolutely not!! I will keep on dreaming! I will keep on hoping. I will keep on moving! I will keep on running!
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