Now, most of you probably know by now that I LOVE leg days. My leg muscles are my strongest and I enjoy the challenging workouts!
Last year, after hip surgery, I became really concerned about my leg workouts. In fact, sometimes I was downright afraid of them. After surgery, it was 12 weeks before I could lightly train legs. I did very light leg workouts in physical therapy those 12 weeks. Leg days scared me. I was terrified of hurting my hip or causing any other injuries or issues that would take me out of the gym or keep me from running.
I finally have gotten to a point where I am not afraid. I trust Tripp and his knowledge and wisdom. I know when he asks me to do something then I am capable of doing the exercise. Leg press was always one of my favorite machines. I loved feeling powerful from lifting so much weight. Prior to surgery, I was able to do 10 45-lb. plates (565 pounds which includes the weight of the sled) for 10 reps. Yesterday I was able to do 16 45-lb. plates and 2 25-lb plates (770 pounds--not sure what the sled weighs because there was no weight listed on the machine....but pretty good assumption would be about 45 815 pounds.) And I managed 10 good reps. Here's a pic with just the 16 45-lb. weights.

This was a personal best. A couple of weeks ago when I was about to lift something that I believed was insanely heavy, I asked Tripp, "Why am I lifting this weight?" His response was simple..."Because you can!" Honestly, I have said in the past that I would do so much better lifting weights if I was blindfolded because occasionally knowing how much I am about to lift just unnerves me. And yesterday, the shear idea of lifting just the 16 45-lb weights was nerve wrecking! Who knew I was going to get another 50 pounds added to it!!
I trust Tripp implicitly. I know that he is never going to ask me to do anything that I cannot do. Since I have this trust in him, I am willing to attempt whatever the task is that he asks of me. Occasionally, I fail because my muscles aren't strong enough or I allow my mind to freak me out. But Tripp tells me that I only fail him when I don't try.
So, I am working on re-focusing my mind. There is no way I will be weight lifting blindfolded, but I can start giving myself positive messages about my abilities. I am a lot stronger than I think I am. (Tripp reminded me of this a few weeks ago.) I often think that I am not very strong...physically, emotionally, or mentally. But I am capable of a lot more than I give myself credit.
So, it's time to rebuild some mental toughness....because I can!!!
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