Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Running Is Hard...Recovery Is Harder...

Even though my poor body is completely and totally trashed, all I really have wanted to do for the past two days is get back to training. Physically, I absolutely cannot run and I cannot lift. Mentally, I am ready to get back to work. This is one of the most frustrating parts for me. I know I have to wait and give my body enough time to fully recover from the torture I just put it through, but I also know that I have lots more work to do.

Yesterday, I had a strategy meeting with Tripp to discuss what my next steps will be. I will be honest, I knew exactly what he was going to say about a lot of things before we had lunch. But I needed to hear him say those things to me. He has a way of reminding me of things that I know without making me feel stupid for needing to hear them again. One thing he likes to remind me is that I already know everything I need to do...I am not new to this. I have been doing this for awhile now. Even so, it is always good to have him give me the mental kick in the butt that I need!

So, I have a plan of attack. I know what I need to do. And now I am ready to get to work. Unfortunately, until my body is a bit more mended, I cannot start working. My hope is that by tomorrow my upper body will feel well enough for me to hit the gym...we shall see. I already know that the lower body is going to need an additional day, so I am prepared for that. I plan to do some stretching tonight which should help everything quite a bit. Depending on how badly the legs feel, I may hit the foam roller tonight...definitely will be doing it tomorrow.

I am thankful to have a good friend who will help me to refocus when I need it. He has always been great about getting my head back in the game. And even when I screw up or don't do what we both know I need to, he continues to encourage and support me. I am thankful for that!!

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