Monday, January 24, 2011


People who know me well know that I am not a fan of change. I like routines. I can definitely be spontaneous but for the most part I like knowing what is going on. Lately, changes are just abounding in my life and I am never sure what's going to happen next.

I admit that sometimes change is good. When Tye accepted his new job, I had the opportunity to train with Tripp. That was the most amazing change for me. After working with Tripp for 2 and a half months, I was able to shave 5:30 off my half-marathon time from last October. That's awesome progress. As nervous as I was about working with Tripp, the change was awesome and I am so thankful for the time that we had to work together.

Last week was rough for me. There's a whole lot of stuff going on and a lot of things were just not turning out as I expected them to. One of those things that set my world completely off kilter was that Tripp quit last Tuesday. This was so not the news I wanted to hear. I was making plans....I wanted to knock even more time off my next half-marathon. I was planning on re-signing a training contract with him to see how much more work we could do to improve my running as well as get me towards my weight loss goals. I was excited about the work we were going to do together. So, when I got the call that he was no longer going to be at my gym...I was brokenhearted and really, really angry. I was not angry with Tripp though. I know he had the best reasons for what he did and I respect him greatly. But I am really devastated that we won't be working together.

I met with Tripp last Friday for lunch. He is a truly amazing guy. My contract for personal training is about to be up in 2 weeks. Since I am completely paid up, I will finish my last two weeks with another trainer. I am hoping the new trainer will be willing to stick with the plan that Tripp set up for me. He knows my plans and goals and set up our workouts based on that. So, my true hope is that the new trainer will be willing to continue with the plan we had. After I finish that training, I will be training myself.

Sounds strange, doesn't it? Me training myself. Yep, that's right. When Tripp and I had lunch, he did something very amazing for me. He wrote me 9 new workout plans that I can use for about the next 6 months. I have 4 other workout plans that he had already written for me. These plans are all set up to help me achieve my running goals and weight loss goals. I am more than thrilled about the workouts he wrote for me!

So, change can be good. I am really excited about the new workouts that Tripp wrote for me. I will miss him dearly as my trainer. I already do. But we are still friends and we will stay in touch. I know that if I have any questions or concerns about strength training or nutrition, I can always count on him. Also, he promised me that he would come to my race in March and run the last mile with me. That is just plain awesomeness!! I am going to be working my butt off the next several weeks to get to that race and I cannot wait. But we will continue with the plan...running injury free. If I am going to run a total of 6 half-marathons this year, then I absolutely need to stick to the plan!!!

So, I will be finishing up the next two weeks with a new trainer. And then, I am on my own (or truthfully, I am following Tripp's plan for me.) This is a whole new world for me...I have had trainers for the past two years. And although, I started my journey on my own and have learned a lot but I know there is still a lot for me to learn. And if Tripp does go to a new gym to train, I will most definitely consider following him. But for now, I am going to focus on the plan.

I doubt that I will ever truly be a fan of change. But I am going to do my best to think positively about the changes that are coming.

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