This week I have had two freakin' AMAZING workouts. I am talking workouts that had me so sore that it was like I had just started strength training. And the great thing about these workouts is that I pushed myself and lifted heavier than I thought I would. I admit I am still testing out the strength in this wrist and though I am working into it slowly, I am no longer allowing FEAR to guide me. Instead, I make the attempt and if it bothers the wrist then I adjust. I got really tired of being afraid with my hip and I let that fear guide me and keep me down awhile after surgery. So, this time around, I decided to kick fear in the butt and keep moving. My wrist needs to get stronger and it will not do that if I do not put the challenge out there. I am no idiot so I clearly won't be doing anything to cause reinjury and will work within the doctor's guidelines, but I am going to test the waters.
So, maybe this year is going to be about testing the waters. Maybe it's going to be about working my butt off some more. Regardless, it is my year and I refuse to waste another moment of my life feeling complacent. Marc Lobliner is an amazing guy in the supplement industry. He is a trainer, a husband, a father, a business owner and a pretty awesome guy. He used to be the CEO of the company that made one of my favorite supplements, Xtend. Well, he says that "Complacency is mediocrity." I don't want to be mediocre. I want to be extraordinary. So, why am I settling?? No more.
So, I am back on plan and it is exciting. It is insanely crazy how much I love the aches and pains I am feeling from my workouts. But I missed it...the insanity, the intensity, the fun. I love being back in the game. I am not going to let anything get in between me and my time. I crave it and need the workouts. And I am not going to let my diet go by the wayside for something easier or more convenient or anything else.
And what's really exciting for me is that I get to meet Marc Lobliner next week. You should follow him on Facebook and check out his videos. The man is literally a machine. I love his commitment to what he believes in and I love that he is just downright honest. He has some awesome videos with recipes and reviews of supplement products too. Here is a link to his Facebook fan page Check it out....follow him. He knows his stuff.
Well, time for me to try and get this adrenaline rush from tonight's workout to chill out because I need some sleep so I can hit the gym for some cardio tomorrow morning before work :) Night all!!
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