Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 Revolutions

Resolution can be defined as "the condition or quality of being resolute; firmness or determination." And revolution can be defined as "a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving." So, for 2011, I have decided to resolve that I will make revolutions in my life. I want to be determined to reach my goals and I want my goals to reflect a drastic change in the way I think and behave.

For the year 2011, I intend to aspire to the following goals...

- Improve my running form, speed and skill
- Work towards increasing my strength in my upper and lower body training sessions.
- Run 6 half-marathons. (I have already chosen 4 for next year and have them split to three at the beginning of the year and 3 at the end of the year)
- Spend more quality time with family
- Continue working towards my weight loss goals
- Be more diligent with my nutrition on a daily basis
- Pay down our debts
- Encourage my husband to pursue his dreams and goals
- Plan an outing each week that involves being active (hiking, trips to the beach, etc....)
- Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night
- Make time to connect/reconnect with dear friends that I do not get to see often enough.
- Make more time for reading
- Give blood at least every 60 days (you can donate whole blood every 56 days).
- Continue to find ways to serve others in our community
- Improve my shooting skills

I think it's a pretty well-rounded and fair list. Some goals are more specific than others and I am certain I will come up with more throughout the year. But I intend to make the most out of 2011. I will live this life to the fullest and spend more time enjoying what I have been given!

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